Growth Hacker Marketing: A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing, and Advertising
Growth hacking
"Virality is not an accident, it is engineered": A must read for every product building entity
Megabrands like Dropbox, Instagram, Snapchat, and Airbnb were barely a blip on the radar years ago, but now they're worth billions—with hardly a dime spent on traditional marketing. No press releases, no TV commercials, no billboards. Instead, they relied on growth hacking to reach users and build their businesses.
So you have developed your magnificent product that shines so bright you have to dim your computer's brightness so it does not blind you and your team. But you do not have the budget for a big launch campaign, even worse, your product does not sell itself because you lack the basics of the mighty baked-in growth strategy. This concise book will give you the gist and the examples to get you into thinking about your product market fit before you build it and not afterxards. It will give you tons of examples from Silicon Valley startups that used clever tactics to make their products viral.
What would Don Draper do?
"It is preposterous to think things should work right away"
Product market fitting
Open up to feedback
A few questions this book tries to give an answer to
- What is the diffrence between traditional marketing and modern day growth hacking?
- What to value and reject when building a natural growth strategy for a product ?
- How important is the Product Market Fit and how do we define it?
- How do you find the growth hack that suits your reality?
Who should read this book?
Anyone interested in designing a built-in growth strategy into the prodcut's ideation, development and incentivation. It's a great, concise book for CTOs, CEOs, Engineers, Product team and, let's face it, traditional marketers.
- "Virality is not an accident, it is engineered"
- The end goal of hacking is to build a self perpetuating marketing machine that reaches millions by itself