Use minio as an external object storage with Gitlab
Troubleshooting the replacement of the built-in minio S3 storage used by Gitlab in a managed installation
Gitlab can be installed on a Kubernetes cluster with the help of the official Gitlab Helm chart. Here I install it on a Rancher managed Kubernetes cluster with the usual griefs that come with the installation of such a behemoth: optimizing resources, picking the right subchart to install and how to install it. The installation is notoriously tedious given the substantial amount of subcharts and options, not counting the optimization needed to fit it in a resource-constrained cluster. Everything was working fine until we had a cluster issue with nodes crashing and I had to reinstall Gitlab from the custom chart I created. The installation only kept the gitaly, postgresql and redis PVCs, and to my devopsy sorrow, the minio storage was gone. There is no way around it, minio has to be installed seprately for a production ready self managed Gitlab. Here's how.
- A working Kubernetes installation and a distributed block storage for Kubernetes (I am using Longhorn on Rancher)
- A working helm tooling
- Needles to say, a sufficiently provisioned cluster with preferably a backup and restoration routine
Install a minio chart
We'll use a Bitnami chart to install a standalone Minio instance:
minio-external: mode: standalone enabled: true persistence: enabled: true size: 10Gi annotations: keep auth: rootUser: <REDACTED> rootPassword: <REDACTED> provisioning: enabled: true users: - username: <REDACTED> password: <REDACTED> disabled: false policies: - readwrite - consoleAdmin - diagnostics setPolicies: false accessKey: password: <REDACTED> secretKey: password: <REDACTED> # volumePermissions: # enabled: true defaultBuckets: default,gitlab-registry-storage,gitlab-lfs,gitlab-artifacts,gitlab-uploads,gitlab-packages,gitlab-mr-diffs,gitlab-terraform-state,gitlab-ci-secure-files,gitlab-dependency-proxy,gitlab-pages
Use this configuration to kickstart a Minio instance with the buckets needed by Gitlab (defaultBuckets). These buckets are needed by different services of Gitlab and they will be mentionned in appConfig later.
The default minio values for this helm chart are available [here](# charts/bitnami/minio/values.yaml at main · bitnami/charts · GitHub).
Disable managed minio
Since we are using an external Minio instance we do not need the Gitlab managed one anymore. In your Gitlab values file disable minio:
global: ... minio: enabled: false
:warning: This will delete your Gitlab Minio instance and all its data. Please proceed with caution. Consider backuping your data and migrating it afterwards using your tool of choice. I would use minio command line.
Create a secret
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: gitlab-object-storage stringData: connection: | provider: AWS region: us-east-1 aws_access_key_id: <REDACTED> aws_secret_access_key: <REDACTED> endpoint: "gitlab-minio-external:9000"
Connect Gitlab to the new Minio instance
global: registry: bucket: gitlab-registry-storage appConfig: ... object_store: enabled: true proxy_download: true storage_options: {} # server_side_encryption: # server_side_encryption_kms_key_id connection: secret: gitlab-object-storage key: connection lfs: enabled: true proxy_download: true bucket: gitlab-lfs artifacts: enabled: true proxy_download: true bucket: gitlab-artifacts uploads: enabled: true proxy_download: true bucket: gitlab-uploads packages: enabled: true proxy_download: true bucket: gitlab-packages externalDiffs: enabled: true when: proxy_download: true bucket: gitlab-mr-diffs terraformState: enabled: true bucket: gitlab-terraform-state ciSecureFiles: enabled: true bucket: gitlab-ci-secure-files # connection: # secret: gitlab-object-storage dependencyProxy: enabled: true proxy_download: true bucket: gitlab-dependency-proxy pages: enabled: true proxy_download: true bucket: gitlab-pages
Launch your gitlab installation and it should work.
Inspirations and references
- Connection secret